This tuition will be for the September 2023 Cohort starting on September 13, 2023.
School District Cadre Discounted Tuition Rate
(For 3 or more candidates enrolled in the SAME NJTLC Cohort from one (1) School and/or School District by June 30, 2023:
Discounted NJTLC Tuition Rate = $4930 per each Enrolled Candidate (=15% discounted tuition rate per Enrolled Candidate)
Applies to:
- A School District Cadre of three (3) or more eligible applicants from one (1) school and/or school district who enroll in the same NJTLC Program cohort AND
- Receipt of District Purchase Order for full payment of the Discounted Tuition Rate for all Enrolled Candidates no later than July 15, 2023.
- Purchase Order should be made out to:
Foundation for Educational Administration
NJ Teacher Leader Certification Program (NJTLC)
12 Centre Drive
Monroe Township, New Jersey 08831
Attn. Ms. Wanda Grant, NJEXCEL Administrative Assistant
Individual Applicant “Tuition Discount Incentive” - Apply byJune 30, 2023
- Full payment by July 15, 2023 = 10% tuition discount ($580)
- Total tuition $5220 (Non-refundable $1500 initial tuition payment*)
- Partial payment of $1500 by July 15, 2023 with payment plan = 5% discount
- Total tuition $5510 (Non-refundable $1500 initial tuition payment*).
* In the case of a documented extenuating circumstance, with notification prior to the January 2023 program start, the non-refundable $1500 initial tuition payment may be banked to be applied for the Sept. 2023 program, with approval from NJTLC Coordinator.
Possible NJTLC Tuition Support through District Funding Sources
There are possible funding sources to support individuals and cadres of teachers who enroll in the NJTLC program.
Districts and schools can allocate Title II funds from the Every Student Succeeds Act(ESSA) to fund professional learning activities that enhance teachers’ knowledge, skills, and capacity in teacher leadership to improve student achievement and school effectiveness.
Districts and schools can also allocate district professional funding from their annual budget accounts.
FEA’s NJTLC program is eligible for and accepts tuition through school and district funding sources.